Are humans ready for artificial intelligence (AI)?

But all is not drool-worthy, AI presents a huge set of existential dangers that could question the very survival of humanity. Recently a report stated that AI-generated YouTube videos created by hackers were misleading people on the internet to share sensitive information with hackers who could hack into your financial wallets, bank accounts, and even […]

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This AI can sketch what you’re picturing from brain waves

This AI can sketch what you’re picturing from brain waves

A person participates in an AI brain scan study at the National University of Singapore.NBC News Zijiao Chen can read your mind, with a little help from powerful artificial intelligence and an fMRI machine. Chen, a doctoral student at the National University of Singapore, is part of a team […] Click here to view original […]

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How to Transition From Data Analyst to Machine Learning Engineer

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are growing fields with promising career opportunities. Companies across industries are using AI and ML to automate processes, make data-driven decisions, and develop new products and services. With the increasing demand for AI and ML professionals, many people are considering a career transition into these fields. If you’re […]

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5 In-Demand AI and ML Jobs and How to Qualify for Them

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are two of the fastest-growing fields in technology, with job opportunities multiplying as companies increasingly recognize the value they can bring to their operations. As a result, AI and ML jobs are in high demand, and professionals who have the necessary skills and qualifications are highly sought after. […]

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Machine Learning for Social Good: How AI is Helping Address Global Challenges

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have become popular buzzwords in recent years, but their potential applications are much broader than what we often hear about in the news. While many focus on the potential for AI and ML to revolutionize industries like healthcare and finance, these technologies can also be leveraged to create […]

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